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Whoa is that me?

Back in 2007 I was going to school to finish up my cosmetology training. I remember getting up at 4:30 a.m. every morning to take my ex husband to work. Then I would stand outside with my son to wait on the bus to pick him up at 6. Then I would get dressed and take my daughter to school downtown and race to school. I would slide in my seat at 8 on the dot. Instead of enjoying lunch with my classmates I had to go take my ex to grab lunch and then rush back to school. I would leave again a few hours later to pick him up and take him home. Then back to school I went until 10 p.m.
I did this until February 20th 2008. Remember that date.
I would come home check homework, get everyone prepared for the next day, shower and do my homework. Sleep would find me at 1 a.m. only for daylight to take it again.  I did all that and cared for my aunt who was starting her own journey. I remember being tired and fatigued. I had a 3.5 GPA and then one day I got called into the Dean's office. I had a F. I kept pushing then I remember one day just being tired. I was tired of walking, tired of going ,just tired.

I walked into the Dean's office on February 19,2008 and told him I needed a break. I was overwhelmed and I had no more gas. One of my instructors was there and she said, If you leave, you won't finish." Mind you Graduation was May 1, but I had stayed from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. to make sure I made all my hours and then some. No one understand how bad I was feeling. I got the "your one the brightest students we have here" speech. Then they gave me 24 hours to think about it. I took my ex the van and went home and went to sleep. I woke up to the school calling me to tell me my son was acting up. I remember telling them this: " Do not call my phone again with this mess.He is at your school because you are supposed to be trained in ho to handle special needs children. It is not my job to run every time you call, figure it out! And I hung up. The next phone call I got, was my ex telling me he was headed home. "Blow the horn" I said, I need you to drop me off at the hospital.

He dropped me off and it felt like I was there forever. They told me I was having a sickle cell crises and I was being admitted. I went to have a spinal tap and I don't remember much after that. I woke up the next morning ready to go home. My ex came in and asked how was I feeling. I told him fine, I must have just needed a nap. We laughed and the doctor came in. The therapist came in and they asked me to do a few exercises. When I went to stand up they brought in a walker. I was like I walked in here I don't use a walker!
Well when I stood up they had to catch me! I could not control my legs. As long as I was sitting down I had no clue. Once I stood up it was like a baby learning how to walk.
It was struggle like no other. I can honestly tell you that during that period of time I learned to be thankful for what you have and what you are able to do.
 I learned to enjoy the simple things in life,like living....

Instead of feeling sorry for one's self, we have to learn how to do what we can while we can. Be blessed for the little things and live your best life to the fullest. Don't let your issues define you. Love you from deep within!


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