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Ms. Men O. Pause, have several seats please!

I want a refund on all the free classes that gave out sub par information! If I tell you something, I am going to give you all the facts, good and bad!Remember in elementary school, 5th grade, they separated the girls and boys and had, "the talk". I was told that I would bleed once a month for a few days. That was lie number one! I bled for seven days!!! I was told that once I received this "gift", I should expect it every month until I'm in my fifties!!! WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?!

Well first of all, Aunt Flo showed up one month before my thirteenth birthday. I was the last one in my group,lol. I got it and then I didn't get it.I had what was called a irregular period until I had my first child. The nicest thing I can say about my Auntie Flo is she was not painful. I couldn't wear white or go horseback riding like the commercial state, but I never had cramps. Well after years of rebellion  I finally Auntie Flo under control. Well she decided to buck the system and show up twice a month once I hit forty! There can be but ONE QUEEN and I am she!!

I went in and had a partial hysterectomy in April of 2014. I should have known it was going to be a bumpy ride when I was getting ready to go to the hospital and Auntie Flo showed up! Now Auntie Flo you was there at the doctor's appointment when we setup this procedure!Round here acting like this was an ambush intervention! Anyway we went on to the hospital and got prepared to say our goodbyes. Auntie Flo and I departed ways and what was supposed to be a overnight stay turned into a weekend get away.

After I came home I was still having issues. My doctor said You have ten years before menopause begins and I want you to have it naturally. Doctor with all due respect, Ion want nothing hindering me. It's gotta go. He didn't budge. Well I experienced cramps,mood swings, PMS and everything else imaginable! My former doctor's kept saying it was all in my head. I'll blog about that later!
I just know that in June 2017, they went in and snatched my ovaries out. They pulled out a few ovarian cyst that were tap dancing on my bladder and had me looking five months pregnant!
Chile I done went in and had a outpatient procedure and became a patient for three days!!
Well when I got home, without medicine, I waited. And waited. And then boom, a/c went from 75 to 69. My fan running too! 

No one told me what to expect, what to do, or how to feel. What happened to the sisterhood? I have run into some random women who have said, sleep with your foot out from under the cover. Chile I guess.
 I think you should just tell the truth!Have that class once a year all the way up to senior year in high school. Reiterate that this is going to happen, and this can happen! Menopause is not your grandmother's issue. There are more younger people having hysterectomy's now than it was ten years ago. We need to be educated and we need to pass that knowledge on. Nothing worse than being blindsided....
                                                                                      Camela Joyce


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