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Um... What am I supposed to do with this mess?

I have been given so many labels I can open a department store. Yet none of the diagnosis have been properly treated. I have been accused of faking being ill,it being all in my head,and my all time favorite,very complicated.
Well my complicated behind has something grandma washin powders cant seem to get rid of! And the nerve that they didn't have the decency to tell me what I had! I'm round here hurting and they got me ready to pull every strand of hair out of my head! I went to the neurologist cause my doctor said there was nothing she could do at this point. Well I went in there and told him the right side of face felt like Novocaine wearing off! He was a little nonchalant. I was admitted into the hospital for testing. It was supposed to be overnight, I went in on Thursday and got out Monday. When I got home I was unable to do anything for myself and I was too embarrassed to ask.I would muster up enough strength to get my baby off to school and home from from school. I started falling and just didn't want to get outta bed.

In my mind all I kept thinking was here we go again. The tremors, the falling, the headaches, just the worst. This past Monday I went to the Neurosurgeon.Yeah the Neurologist told me i didn't need to come back to him. I am a pass around patient! No one wants to deal with the issue at hand (my health) so I get passed around from one doctor to the next. I was told I didn't need surgery but my neurologist could have just treated me. Well when I got my medical records and patient summary, I found out what I had.

I am the owner of Demyelinating disease of central nervous system. On top of that I have Transverse Myalitis and firbromyalgae. Both of these will eventually turn into MS. This is like you got enough money to buy gas or food but not both! 
How am I suppose to deal with this mess?
What am I suppose to do with this mess?
I need answers!!!


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