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Showing posts from 2018

Now What???

In 2009 I was told I would die before they figured out what was wrong with me. 2018 they told me Im lucky to still be here cause this disease should have been taken me out. I realized something over the weekend.I may not have the quality of life I'm accustomed to. But I'm still here. I cried because I wasted time I will never get back. I cried because I have to face reality that I may not be the last one on earth to turn the lights off... Then I had a epiphany. If you know the storm is coming, you prepare, Do what you can while you can. Yesterday I also realized this, I'm not going to fight for you. I gotta fight to live for myself. And when when this cross gets unbearable and I can't carry it anymore,I need people in my life to be at peace and let me go. Nothing is more exhausting on a person who has an incurable disease than to fight for themselves and the people they love. Friday afternoon I had a visit with pain management.During this visit ...

Um... What am I supposed to do with this mess?

I have been given so many labels I can open a department store. Yet none of the diagnosis have been properly treated. I have been accused of faking being ill,it being all in my head,and my all time favorite,very complicated. Well my complicated behind has something grandma washin powders cant seem to get rid of! And the nerve that they didn't have the decency to tell me what I had! I'm round here hurting and they got me ready to pull every strand of hair out of my head! I went to the neurologist cause my doctor said there was nothing she could do at this point. Well I went in there and told him the right side of face felt like Novocaine wearing off! He was a little nonchalant. I was admitted into the hospital for testing. It was supposed to be overnight, I went in on Thursday and got out Monday. When I got home I was unable to do anything for myself and I was too embarrassed to ask.I would muster up enough strength to get my baby off to school and home from from school. I star...

Whoa is that me?

Back in 2007 I was going to school to finish up my cosmetology training. I remember getting up at 4:30 a.m. every morning to take my ex husband to work. Then I would stand outside with my son to wait on the bus to pick him up at 6. Then I would get dressed and take my daughter to school downtown and race to school. I would slide in my seat at 8 on the dot. Instead of enjoying lunch with my classmates I had to go take my ex to grab lunch and then rush back to school. I would leave again a few hours later to pick him up and take him home. Then back to school I went until 10 p.m. I did this until February 20th 2008. Remember that date. I would come home check homework, get everyone prepared for the next day, shower and do my homework. Sleep would find me at 1 a.m. only for daylight to take it again.  I did all that and cared for my aunt who was starting her own journey. I remember being tired and fatigued. I had a 3.5 GPA and then one day I got called into the Dean's office. I had a...

Ms. Men O. Pause, have several seats please!

I want a refund on all the free classes that gave out sub par information! If I tell you something, I am going to give you all the facts, good and bad!Remember in elementary school, 5th grade, they separated the girls and boys and had, "the talk". I was told that I would bleed once a month for a few days. That was lie number one! I bled for seven days!!! I was told that once I received this "gift", I should expect it every month until I'm in my fifties!!! WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?! Well first of all, Aunt Flo showed up one month before my thirteenth birthday. I was the last one in my group,lol. I got it and then I didn't get it.I had what was called a irregular period until I had my first child. The nicest thing I can say about my Auntie Flo is she was not painful. I couldn't wear white or go horseback riding like the commercial state, but I never had cramps. Well after years of rebellion  I finally Auntie Flo under control. Well she decided to buck the system...

And then came you.....

I have always gave myself timelines to do things. Most of them I have accomplished. I said I wanted a tattoo or tongue piercing by thirty. I got a tattoo at twenty-six. I said .I wanted to be married by thirty. I got married less than  two months after my thirtieth birthday. When I was thirty-five I told my mom I wanted to have another baby before I turned forty, and that's where this story begins! Life happened in a strange way. I decided to get a divorce, and move to Alabama to die. Yes I said DIE. I was tired with this thing called life and dealing with the people in it. I learned that people only care about you as long as you can do something for them. Being ill and them putting a death sentence on you without a diagnosis was enough in itself. I found peace with my decision and packed up my life and moved. There are pieces that won't make it to this post because it's not important at this moment. This moment is dedicated to this little girl who would not let me d...

Who going to Wakanda?!?!?

Last weekend I went to see the much talked about movie Black Panther. The week prior was opening weekend. When I tell you black people dressed in African garb and Wakanda Forever T-Shirts. They showed up and got in formation. I said I was going and my Facebook peers suggested I dress up, do it for the culture. Well I did not dress up.I sat my happy self in my truck at the local drive in with a Publix sub and a half gallon of their peach tea and waited to see what all the fuss was about. When the movie was over I remember saying I like the soundtrack. I liked how they could fly and drive and still be in the lab. I liked it all in all. However I LOVE the Suicide Squad. I like what I like and I don't go along with everything black because I'm black. I seen alot of my peers looking for flights to Wakanda, ya'll be safe. I'm not going. They had little quotes that people felt were geared to keep us woke. Funny thing is ya'll still sleep. Weeks before the movie was to...

Weekend Recap...

So Fred is taking some type of natural stuff to clean the body of toxins and disease. I am always being accused of being a Debby Downer so I decided to try it. Well IBS decided to show up Saturday and baby that was worse than death. I deal with pain on a daily basis. But when I tell you I can't handle a stomach ache, I can't take it!! The paramedics came and I spent a few hours in the ER. After realizing what it was, I left the ER and went home. I drank some ginger ale and an Ibuprofen and sleep came to me! When I woke up  this morning I felt much better. However I know me, so I'm going to blog and work on my books today. Cause I will get up and start doing stuff I have no business doing. It doesnt matter who you are or how old you are, you have to take care of yourself. Life is too short, live your best life!

Allow me to reintroduce myself...

Well this blog is called the Lyfe and Tymes of Camela Joyce, and I have been MIA for a spell! Let me tell you I have so much to share you may get three post a day until I get it all out,lol. While I was away I became single, a grandmother,confused by religion,got people mad at me cause I don't wanna go to Wakanda!! Needless to say I have a lot to talk about and there is no time like the present!