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One of many

December 27,1999, everyone was preparing for y2k. I was fighting for my life. I had just turned 26 years old, I was the mother of 4 small children and living in a stressful situation was an understatement. The devil told me I was going to die that day, I got at 5:30 checked on my kids and unlocked my front door. I called Patricia Redick​ who came over and I felt me slipping away. The EMT said its the flu, take some Tylenol you will be fine. I insisted on going to the hospital.Since I had no insurance they didn't want to be bothered. Bishop Frazier got out of his bed and took me. I had a temperature of 105 when I got to the ER.I remember wanting to die that day. I had nothing else. Then I saw how my children would feel without their mother because I was forced to remember how I felt without mine. I saw the faces of those gone before me and though it was peaceful, I had to return cause as the spirit said,It was not my time.

The next day the sent a priest in to read me my last rites. I asked could I go home because I felt better. They brought in a machine and wrapped me up in what looked like bubble wrap.
I had a temperature of 107!!!They turned on the ice to break the fever.It worked for a moment then I was told I had a stroke and that I would have brain damage due to the severity of the  the fever. They then proceeded to tell me I would never walk again.
Kaay Frazier​ was 2 at the time and she was very adamant about visiting her mommy in the hospital. Her grandparents brought her and Bishop Frazier prayed for me. And Im here to tell you,I might have had a limp, but I walked out of that hospital 3 days later!

I have faced death many times since then and I realized something yesterday.I have a purpose like everyone else. Mine is to feed those in need of knowledge and encouragement. God gives the hardest assignments to his strongest soldiers. I no longer look at my illnesses as a burden, I got them,they dont have me! And if I can encourage someone to hang in there, I will. Blessings.......... The Lyfe and Tymes of Camela Joyce​



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