I just looked at the date and realized I should have launched this blog yesterday. November 19 has held some memorable events for me. At age 9 I was baptized, age 13 I got saved, age 19 I tried again. Although those are all very memorable moments, the biggest was at 12 when I "official" became a woman. Who knew that "special" friend would change the way you looked and felt at least 5 days out of the month!
Today as I type my first page I am adding two new memories to my life. The first is being able to break the chains that have consumed me over the years. I have sat back in silence struggling with pain,disappointment and agony. I've been asked over and over again, when are you going to write that book. Well here is the prequel to what's to come. I hope that my pain can heal and strengthen someone who needs it. This is my truth,my journey,my struggle. I just want a release......
I found strength and courage to share my lyfe and have a peace about it reflecting the lyfe of my brother who is about to be laid to rest. I was unable to attend his home-going service due to a change in the date. I was asked to speak,but since I can't be there physically, I will post it here.
Today is a day no parent should have to prepare for. Our children are supposed to bury us. But often time God calls home his soldiers early because their work here is done. there is never "the right" thing to say in a time of loss. I can however say that when a person who lived life in spite of answer's the call, We have to find comfort and rejoice! God makes no mistake, we are uniquely made to live for him. I can move forward in lyfe knowing I have another angel who will guide me through the rest of my life. Poohpie never met a stranger, and he always had a smile. While everyone around him stressed, he would always tell us to take it easy,don't worry about it. I learned a valuable lesson, never think you can put someone on hold and come back to them, we don't know when our time is up. I have to do better and lead better. Brother I finish the race with stronger than ever. To my nephew Jaris,I got your back cause my brother had mine. I love you brother, Sleep in Heavenly Peace!
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