My passion for writing has brought me places I never would have imagined, yet it showed me that there were endless possibilities I started writing as a child because no one would listen to me. I grew up in the era where children should be seen and not heard. I made the mistake one day of telling my aunt I felt some type of way. Let's just say I learned that I had no feelings. I started writing all my thoughts and feelings down. It gave me a release of sorts. I could say what I felt without the worry of hurting someone's feelings. As a young adult, I went to a revival where I got a glimpse at how real God was. I was going through some real life situations at the time. 19, pregnant,and mad at the world! I had seen the gift of prophesy, seen people slain in the spirit. At this particular place in my life though, I could care less what was being said to me. The pastor that night said key things that no one on earth knew! Then he sealed the deal with "One day you will sell b...
Reviews,Life Lessons Learned,Food,and Fun. All from my point of view. I'm Juzz Sayin!